So, I see your day going something like this:

Photograph you in preparation, say an hour or two before you are due to leave home, get to the church or ceremony location 20 minutes before you for some photographs of your fiance and for your arrival, photographs during the service (usually ok  with Clergy as long as no flash is used, but I always check), signing of the register, confetti and photographs outside, whisking you both off for a little while for some location photographs around the church or other suitable location en route to your reception or at your reception and photographing you and your guests up to first dance.

This describes an average wedding day, very briefly, but there are always things that may be different, so please advise me how I can accommodate.


Please email me now with your wedding date and location and I will advise you of my availability. or 07977 596662 / 01562 861951.