Charity Abseil Photography is something I have specialised in since starting my photography business over 12 years ago. I’m now quite confident in stating I’ve photographed more charity abseils than any other photographer, as I have often covered up to 50 abseils in a year.
When I started this, I would have bags and bags of memory cards and after photographing the abseiler at the top, take out the memory card and attach it to a fishing line and clip it on and slide it down to the bottom to be picked up, put in the computer and then be able to print the photo.

It’s a bit slicker nowadays as after investing in some whizzy tech, I can now send the image electronically from top to bottom in just a few seconds without even taking the card out of the camera! The bag of cards still comes along as the failsafe backup, but this hasn’t been needed for quite some time. For charity abseils off cliffs and places without power, I have a generator to provide power and a big gazebo to provide shelter.
A generous donation is made from the proceeds to every charity.
Please visit my gallery to see some examples of photography I’ve done, including Abseil Photography.
Please contact me if you need a photographer for your charity abseil
Where I work
I cover events all over the UK, I’m based in the Midlands but travel all over the country including London and the South East, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Wales and the North. I’ve even covered events in Europe, so don’t be afraid to ask for whatever you want, wherever you want.
07977 596662